The movie follows the story of Matt, who is still obsessed with his ex-girlfriend Nicole, despite her being engaged to someone else. In an attempt to gain perspective, Matt decides to give up all forms of sexual activity, including kissing and masturbation, for Lent. However, just a few days into his vow, he meets a new woman and falls in love. As Matt struggles to keep his vow a secret from his new partner, his friends become increasingly aware of his situation, leading to a series of complications.
Info about 40 Days and 40 Nights
Studio(s): Miramax, Universal Pictures
Originally Released: United States, Mar 01, 2002
Production Countries: United States, France, United Kingdom
Box Office Gross: $95,146,283.00
Budget: $17,000,000.00
40 Days and 40 Nights: Where to Watch Online?
Currently you are able to watch "40 Days and 40 Nights" for free with ads on Pluto TV.