In the next episode, the newly appointed Tribal Police Chief faces a challeng...
Season 1 Episode 4: Run's With A Gun
Sam and Buke investigate a devastating highway crash and track down the drunken driver who caused the tragedy.
Sam and Buke investigate a devastating highway crash and track down the drunken driver who caused the tragedy.
In the next episode, the newly appointed Tribal Police Chief faces a challeng...
As a pipeline protest dominates the headlines, Sam must navigate the complex ...
An explosive incident at an oilfield sparks a heated debate between an indige...
Sam and Buke investigate a devastating highway crash and track down the drunk...
A notorious fugitive is on the loose, prompting the federal authorities to di...
The convenience store is ravaged by a hail of gunfire, prompting Sam to delve...
A brutal murder outside a water treatment plant sparks a bitter divide betwee...
The community is gripped with fear and suspicion as a missing person's report...
Main Cast