The next episode follows investigative journalist Abe Riesel as he takes on c...
Season 1 Episode 5: Extortion
A renowned physician finds themselves in a desperate struggle against a ruthless blackmailer.
A renowned physician finds themselves in a desperate struggle against a ruthless blackmailer.
The next episode follows investigative journalist Abe Riesel as he takes on c...
George Thiem, a respected reporter, finds himself torn between his loyalty to...
In the next episode, a dogged journalist is determined to uncover the truth b...
A duo of enterprising teenagers concoct a plan to rapidly accumulate wealth b...
A renowned physician finds themselves in a desperate struggle against a ruthl...
A determined reporter, Ed Mowery, sets out to overturn a conviction, convince...
A devastating air disaster unfolds when a commercial airliner suddenly disint...
In the next episode, investigative journalist Harry Romanoff sets out to expo...
A fatal combination of a sorority meeting and a missed bus leads to a tragic ...
A journalist from the Boston Post endeavors to revive the will to live in an ...
A prison uprising and a determined journalist expose the dire circumstances a...
Fashion editor Trudy Prokop goes undercover to take down a shoplifting ring.
A seasoned journalist forms an unlikely alliance with a sharp-minded investig...
The enigmatic killer's assertion that no prison could contain her is shocking...
A former pilot, haunted by the devastating aftermath of his role in the Hiros...
Gene Lindsey of the Phoenix Gazette uses an unusual clue to crack a murder case.
A pair of investigative journalists pursue a serial murderer targeting lonely...
A fragile truce between two rival teenage gangs is threatened when a former g...
A journalist in Texas works to bridge the gap between a small town and a rece...
A deadly predator is wreaking havoc in California, leaving a trail of terror ...
A journalist's determination to uncover the truth leads her to challenge the ...
As authorities and journalists close in, a prime suspect is grilled about the...
A daring breakout unfolds as three inmates cleverly obtain pardons, cleverly ...
A festive season in New York turns into a nightmare as a mysterious bomber wr...
A dramatic turn of events unfolds as journalist Leo Sheridan takes the stand ...
A young journalist discovers a surprising encounter with two outlaws.
A young girl's Christmas Eve is brightened by William Key's thoughtful assist...
A family's ordinary day takes a shocking turn when a father and son's search ...
When a murder accusation puts her friend in danger, Bernice Freeman stands st...
A college student's obsession with crime leads them to orchestrate a meticulo...
A photography studio in Columbus, Ohio, is actually a front for a lucrative s...
A shocking turn of events unfolds as a woman's life takes a dark and sinister...
The next episode follows a journalist who was sheltered by two Burmese women ...
A sudden instinct guides Clayton Darrah, a determined reporter, in capturing ...
A solitary vehicle parked outside a mysterious cave piques the interest of a ...
A journalist delves into the mysterious circumstances surrounding a series of...
Ed Reid, a determined reporter, embarks on a thrilling investigation to track...
A journalist assumes a new identity as a migrant worker to expose the treache...
As the flames of fear engulf the city, the Erie, Pa., fire department embarks...