The next episode of the series will revolve around a desperate bank robber wh...
New York Confidential
New York Confidential is a British-American crime drama series that aired from 1958 to 1959.
New York Confidential is a British-American crime drama series that aired from 1958 to 1959.
The next episode of the series will revolve around a desperate bank robber wh...
When John Webb, a lawyer, introduces his son to a notorious mobster, he unwit...
Charlie Harrison returns home after a four-month hospital stay, only to disco...
A former Marine seeks Lee's assistance in exonerating his grandson, who has b...
In the next episode, Willie Lum, a determined patrolman, discovers that his f...
A young boy's desperate cry for help is met with skepticism, but the one pers...
A wealthy heiress is on the hunt, as Lee sets out to track down a young woman...
A mysterious murder takes place, with the victim being a model who was transp...
A teenage car thief's tragic death sparks a police investigation, prompting h...
Elva Dean orchestrates a revenge plot by marrying one of her father's murderers.
A mysterious corpse is discovered drifting in the East River, sparking a new ...
A man who had been living a secret life as a murder witness for 15 years sudd...
The next episode of the show will delve into the emotional story of a young i...
Killer Jack Sharpe escapes capture due to a clever legal loophole.
A detective investigates a crime that left a police officer blind after a sho...
A quartet of carnival performers are filled with trepidation as they await th...
Sammy Watts is heartbroken as he realizes the girl he's fallen for has a crus...
A college professor is accused of participating in a raided illegal gambling ...
Joel Connors goes into hiding in New York after a near-fatal attack, with rut...
Mark Maxwell, a furrier, turns to organized crime to secure a large sum of mo...
A cab driver, Abe Marko, takes on a dangerous mission to protect a friend fro...
A seasoned narcotics detective, Johnny Wong, goes undercover as a potential b...
Frank Valento expands his fish market, encroaching on a notorious mobster's d...
In the next episode, a seasoned detective takes on a crucial task of assembli...
The childless couple's dream of parenthood is realized when they adopt a baby...
A ruthless killer will stop at nothing to eliminate the sole witness who can ...
A desperate friend turns to Lee for guidance as his wife threatens to abandon...
The upcoming episode revolves around a sinister plot where a blackmailer obta...
In the next thrilling episode, a group of cunning gangsters enlist the help o...
George Wilson, a successful Wall Street executive, leads a secret double life...
The next episode follows a determined detective as he tracks down the elusive...
A sudden windfall for an elderly man after his quiz show success sparks a fam...
An enigmatic vigilante sends a chilling warning to Lee Cochran, putting his l...
In the next episode, a well-meaning janitor is subjected to harassment by his...
A renowned sculptress, once celebrated for her masterpieces, stumbles upon a ...
Andras Kalman resorts to borrowing from notorious loan sharks, despite being ...
A high-society matriarch's daughter is suddenly and mysteriously taken by a g...
Mysterious illnesses begin to plague the residents of a senior living facilit...
Nora Hunt, an airline hostess, finds herself at a crossroads when she decides...
Main Cast