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Tiger Claws III

In a battle for control of New York City's underworld, a powerful martial artist awakens three legendary Chinese assassins from the dead to do his bidding. However, a skilled martial artist and police officer named Tarek Richards is determined to put an end to Stryker's plans, and he mu...

A martial artist named Stryker revives the spirits of three ancient Chinese assassin masters to dominate the New York underworld. Two supercops, Tarek Richards and Linda Masterson, must stop him, but battling the undead won't be easy. Richards holds the key to victory, but needs guidance from Stryker's former master to defeat the Masters.

Info about Tiger Claws III

Studio(s): Film One Productions, Annex Entertainment

Originally Released: United States, May 12, 1999

Production Country: Canada

Genres:Action, Fantasy

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