In the city of New York, detectives Tarek Richards and Linda Masterson are tasked with solving a series of mysterious murders of martial arts masters, all bearing wounds resembling tiger scratches. Their investigation leads them to suspect Chong, a serial killer, who is eventually arrested. However, Chong escapes with the help of his brother's criminal associates in San Francisco's Chinatown. Richards and Masterson give chase, but are captured by two criminals and their followers. Masterson is imprisoned, while Richards is forced to participate in an underground martial arts tournament, where the four finalists must harness their mystical powers to open a time portal on Chinese New Year.
Tiger Claws II
A former colleague orchestrates the escape of notorious criminal Tiger Claws, who then joins forces to obtain a massive arsenal of weapons. Their plan is to create a portal to an ancient martial arts temple, allowing them to travel back in time.