In the small town of Greenleaf, Indiana, a local teacher's life is turned upside down when his former student, Hollywood star Cameron Drake, reveals his secret to the world during a live Oscars telecast. Cameron's mention of his teacher, Howard Brackett, as a gay man sends shockwaves through the town, with many questioning Howard's sexuality. As the media descends upon Greenleaf, Howard's personal and professional life is disrupted, and he begins to examine his own feelings and behaviors. With his upcoming wedding to his fiancée Emily, who trusts him, Howard must navigate the chaos and confront his own identity.
Info about In & Out
Studio(s): Paramount Pictures, Spelling Films
Originally Released: United Kingdom, Feb 13, 1998
Production Country: United States
Box Office Gross: $83,256,929.00
Budget: $35,000,000.00
In & Out: Where to Watch Online in United Kingdom?
Currently you are able to watch "In & Out" for free with ads on Paramount+.