Richard Frank Oznowicz, professionally known as Frank Oz, is a renowned British-American filmmaker, actor, voice actor, and puppeteer of remarkable versatility and talent. His impressive career has been marked by the creation and performance of iconic characters, including the beloved Miss Piggy and Fozzie Bear, which he brought to life in the beloved television program, The Muppet Show.
In addition to his work as a performer, Oz has also demonstrated his skill as a director, having helmed several notable films, including the 1986 remake of Little Shop Of Horrors and the comedy classic, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. His impressive directorial portfolio showcases his ability to balance humor, drama, and wit, resulting in captivating cinematic experiences.
Moreover, Oz has also made a lasting impact on the Star Wars franchise, serving as the masterful operator and voice of the wise and powerful Jedi Master, Yoda. His nuanced and expressive portrayal of the character has become an integral part of the series' enduring popularity, cementing his status as a master of his craft.