George Robert Newhart, professionally known as Bob Newhart, was a renowned American stand-up comedian and actor, distinguished by his signature deadpan delivery and subtle stammer. Born on September 5, 1929, Newhart's career gained momentum in the 1960s when his groundbreaking album "The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart" achieved worldwide success, topping the Billboard pop music charts and becoming the 20th best-selling album in history.
The subsequent album, "The Button-Down Mind Strikes Again!", replicated the success of its predecessor, simultaneously holding the Billboard #1 and #2 spots, a feat unmatched until the 1991 release of Guns N' Roses' "Use Your Illusion I" and "Use Your Illusion II".
Newhart's impressive career transitioned from comedy to acting, starring in two iconic situation comedies: "The Bob Newhart Show", where he played psychologist Dr. Robert "Bob" Hartley, and "Newhart", where he portrayed innkeeper Dick Loudon. His third sitcom, "Bob", although initially successful, was unfortunately short-lived.
In addition to his television work, Newhart has appeared in various film roles, including the memorable parts of Major Major in "Catch-22" and Papa Elf in "Elf". He also lent his voice to the beloved Walt Disney animated films "The Rescuers" and "The Rescuers Down Under", as well as the recent role of Judson, the library head, in "The Librarian".