1. Pilot Aired: May 30, 2007 Johnny Miller was a happy, well-adjusted high school student with good grades...
2. Ghosts Aired: Jun 6, 2007 Johnny (Taylor Handley) learns more about Eddie's mysterious death and is sur...
3. Party Hardy Aired: Jun 13, 2007 As Johnny (Taylor Handley) continues to pursue Greta (Amber Heard), his trust...
4. What Liza Beneath Aired: Jun 20, 2007 Greta finally tells Johnny the truth about what happened to Eddie on the nigh...
5. Mulligan Aired: Jun 20, 2007 Johnny learns the hard lesson that no-one can be trusted in Palm Springs and ...
6. Dangerous Liaisons Aired: Jun 27, 2007 Nikki discovers a surprising secret about Cliff and Bob gets jealous when Ski...
7. Stand by Your Woman Aired: Jun 27, 2007 Johnny (Taylor Handley) reconciles with Greta (Amber Heard) and she joins the...
8. Second Chances Aired: Jul 4, 2007 The mystery surrounding Eddie's death comes to a shocking conclusion.