In the heart of New York's Serenade Café, a charming Italian restaurant, Lupo, a lovable but comical presenter, is smitten with operatic singer Gina. Despite being rejected and insulted by her, Lupo becomes obsessed with winning her over. When Gina's husband, Ierra, enters the scene, Lupo is convinced of his opera singing skills, but in reality, Ierra is just using him to get closer to Gina. As Lupo's musical talents are brutally exposed, he finds himself on a series of hilarious misadventures, from a disastrous opera performance to a chance encounter with a winegrowers family that helps him discover his true voice.
The 4th Tenor
A struggling restaurateur discovers his passion for opera while falling for a talented singer, prompting him to embark on a transformative journey to Italy to hone his vocal skills.