A rough-around-the-edges used car salesman finds himself living with his adul...
Daddy Dearest
Season 1 Episode 2: Raging Bully
Steven's father offers guidance on dealing with a bully, but his son is dissatisfied with the advice.
Steven's father offers guidance on dealing with a bully, but his son is dissatisfied with the advice.
A rough-around-the-edges used car salesman finds himself living with his adul...
Steven's father offers guidance on dealing with a bully, but his son is dissa...
Steven's father's constant intrusions into his personal life push him to the ...
Al encounters a notoriously difficult DMV clerk when he visits to renew his d...
Al Mitchell's luck changes dramatically when he wins a fortune at an Atlantic...
Christine's mother, played by Angie Dickinson, attempts to seduce Steven by i...
Tension fills the auditorium as Helen's unexpected date arrives at Danny's sc...
A frantic mix-up unfolds as Al and Steven return from a Halloween party, unaw...
In the next episode, a misunderstanding leads to a chaotic turn of events as ...
The upcoming episode of the show will revolve around a dramatic and unexpecte...
Al Mitchell is rushed to the hospital after experiencing chest pains followin...
Current Status: Canceled
Network: FOX
Production Country: United States