Trigger Pals background

Trigger Pals

The movie follows a plot of cattle rustling and revenge, as Kent seeks to acquire the Allen ranch. He uses Steve and his men to steal the ranch's cattle, with Pete serving as an informant. However, the Trigger Pals, consisting of Lucky, Stormy, and Fuzzy, resist and fight back. In a twist, K...

Three ranch-hands, Lucky Jarrett, Stormy Morgan, and Fuzzy Jones, are swindled out of their cattle by Pete, Harvey Kent's henchman, who leads the herd into a box canyon. Meanwhile, Lucky's business partner Doris Allen is determined to turn their ranch into a dude ranch, but Kent tries to drive a wedge between them by accusing Lucky of being in cahoots with the rustlers.

Info about Trigger Pals

Studio(s): Cinemart Productions

Originally Released: United States, Jan 13, 1939

Production Country: United States
