In this action-packed film, a young man named Bhadra falls head over heels for Anu, Raja's sister, after seeing her on a video. He visits Raja's family and discovers they're embroiled in a web of gang violence. When a brutal attack by Veerayya's gang wipes out Raja's family, except for Anu, Bhadra takes it upon himself to rescue her and bring her to safety. As he protects her from harm, Bhadra sets out to dismantle Veerayya's gang and bring justice to those responsible.
Bhadra becomes smitten with Anu after seeing her on a video, and decides to visit Raja's family home. He discovers that Raja's family is embroiled in a cycle of violence and feud, and is shocked when Raja's family is nearly wiped out in a brutal gang fight, with Anu being the sole ...