1. Puppies & Guppies/Sorry We're Closed Today
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Larry and Laura Carrot embark on a new adventure as they seek to adopt puppie...
LarryBoy is annoyed by Junior, who is calling himself Junior Jetpack and asking to be LarryBoy's sidekick, but Ichabeezer proves to both of them that even little guys can be heroes.
1. Puppies & Guppies/Sorry We're Closed Today
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Larry and Laura Carrot embark on a new adventure as they seek to adopt puppie...
2. Bob & the Awesome Frosting Mustache/Bob and Larry: Gettin' Angry
Aired: Nov 25, 2014In the next episode, Bob's life is about to take a dramatic turn as he decide...
3. Bob's Bad Breath/Trading Places
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Larry's poor habits hinder Bob's success in his new role, while an unexpected...
4. Jimmy & Jerry Are Rich/Feelin Hot, Hot, Hot
Aired: Nov 25, 2014In the next episode, Bob and Larry concoct a plan to purchase a massive monst...
In the next episode, Laura discovers that believing in oneself as a great ath...
6. Pa Grape's Son/Larry's Cardboard Thumb
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Pa Grape takes Jean Claude under his wing for the Father and Son Day Celebrat...
7. The Gong Heard 'Round the House/When the Dust Bunnies Came to Town
Aired: Nov 25, 2014In the next episode, Bob's quest for recognition leads him to perform acts of...
8. The Bucket List/A Gift for Singing
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Bob and Larry embark on a fun-filled adventure with Ichabeezer, attempting to...
9. Lie-Monade/Let's Build a Fort
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Larry starts a lemonade stand to earn money for a new video game, but his dad...
10. Bacon and Ice Cream/For the Honor of LarryBoy
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Pa Grape enlists the help of Bacon Bill to team up with Larry, and Larry make...
11. The Birthday Thief/Junior Gets a Pet
Aired: Jan 29, 2015Motato is stealing birthdays with his evil De-Birthday-Ficator; Junior befrie...
12. Cool as a Cucumber/The Rich Young Comic Ruler
Aired: Jan 29, 2015Larry gets sunglasses -- and an attitude -- after Jimmy and Jerry Gourd says ...
13. Popcorntastrophe/Junior Jetpack
Aired: Jan 29, 2015Bob, Larry and Madame Blueberry accidentally flood the kitchen with burned po...
14. Monster Manners/You, Me and Tiny Pea
Aired: Jan 29, 2015Motato creates a radish super-soldier to hunt down LarryBoy; Junior and his f...
15. Jenna Chive Live/Captain Larrybeard
Aired: Jan 29, 2015Motato captures pop star Jenna Chive when she visits the Veggie House; Larry ...
When Madame Blueberry is asked to sing the new jingle at Pa Grape's store, bu...
Larry cons the townsfolk out of their money so he can purchase a new video ga...
Junior's dad chooses to go bowling after he made a deal to help Junior build ...
While Larry is running the ice cream cart, Pa Grape asks Larry to take the za...
Ichabeezer's thankless behavior causes LarryBoy to refuse to help him ever ag...
Sad at having his own birthday forgotten, Motato creates a machine to steal t...
Despite his dad's warnings, Junior befriends a wild 'Bufflorange', and runs a...
After being shunned by Jimmy and Jerry for not being 'cool enough', Larry beg...
24. The Rich Young Comic Ruler
Aired: Apr 17, 2015Larry is reluctant to share the comic books he collected as donations for the...
Bob, Larry, and Madame Blueberry accidentally flood the town with giant, burn...
LarryBoy is annoyed by Junior, who is calling himself Junior Jetpack and aski...
When Motato's new 'super radish soldier', Randy, is injured, he is found and ...
Tired of being treated like a child by his dad, Junior joins his friend Tiny ...
Pop star Jenna Chive arrives in town in disguise, wanting a break from perfor...
Larry unintentionally takes Ichabeezer's missing toy pirate ship and refuses ...