In the next episode, a young boy named Robby struggles to adapt to his new li...
Transformers: EarthSpark
Season 1 Episode 17: Home: Part 1
A night of adventure in Philadelphia turns into a terrifying experience for the kids and Terrans.
A night of adventure in Philadelphia turns into a terrifying experience for the kids and Terrans.
In the next episode, a young boy named Robby struggles to adapt to his new li...
Bumblebee's mission to train the Terrans takes an unexpected turn as he reali...
Thrash and Mo test the limits of family rules, only to find themselves entang...
G.H.O.S.T. Agent Schloder mistakenly targets Twitch, believing her to be a De...
Alex shares his family history with Bumblebee after Robby backs out of the tr...
The uncertainty surrounding the Terrans' actions could be exacerbating Mo and...
A heated debate erupts between Megatron and Optimus Prime as they clash over ...
The next episode follows Twitch and Thrash as they ponder the possibility of ...
As the Malto family welcomes three new additions, they face their biggest cha...
Twitch assists Hashtag in selecting her alt-mode, and they embark on a thrill...
Jawbreaker embarks on a quest to determine the perfect alt-mode, seeking advi...
Nightshade discovers an unexpected bond with someone from the Malto family, a...
A shocking revelation about Bumblebee's racing roots is about to send shockwa...
The Maltos' Mother's Day celebration takes a drastic turn when they stumble u...
The next episode finds Robby and Mo accompanying the Terrans to the Spacebrid...
A night of adventure in Philadelphia turns into a terrifying experience for t...
Jawbreaker's long-awaited alt-mode has arrived, but instead of transforming i...
Next episode, Robby, Mo, and the Terrans embark on a perilous quest to tap in...
The Malto kids find themselves trapped in a perilous underground labyrinth, p...
Robby's cyber-sleeve illness puts his life in jeopardy, prompting Mo to make ...
Optimus Prime becomes suspicious of GHOST's intentions and dispatches Bumbleb...
The Malto family's final battle against Croft and her dark forces in GHOST un...
The fate of Cybertronian kind hangs in the balance as the Malto family faces ...
Main Cast