The compassionate and astute Chief Inspector Gamache faces several puzzling murders in the enigmatic village of Three Pines. With his trusted team—Sargent Jean-Guy Beauvoir (the combative and troubled), Sargent Isabelle Lacoste (the intelligent Indigenous mother), rookie Agent Yvette Nichol, and Gabri and Olivier from the Bistro—the group encounters suspicion among the locals. Despite their initial cold reception, Gamache finds himself drawn to the village's unique charm and its eccentric inhabitants, including Peter and Clara artists, Myrna psychologist-turned-bookshop owner, Bea gallery owner, and Ruth irascible poet. As he delves deeper into these people’s secret lives, his emotional connection intensifies. The series also weaves a dark, mysterious serial case that reveals police inadequacies in investigating missing Indigenous women cases and corruption within the provincial Sûreté du Québec force.
In the next episode, Gamache disobeys his superior's orders to investigate th...