As a catastrophic cosmic explosion looms, the inhabitants of a small town mus...
Three Moons Over Milford
Season 1 Episode 3: Moonstruck
The Blue Moon Festival is about to take center stage in Milford, putting the town in a festive and frantic mood.
The Blue Moon Festival is about to take center stage in Milford, putting the town in a festive and frantic mood.
As a catastrophic cosmic explosion looms, the inhabitants of a small town mus...
The friends face a new living arrangement after being forced to leave their h...
The Blue Moon Festival is about to take center stage in Milford, putting the ...
Walt Deekins, played by Ed Begley Jr., believes that giving is the key to hap...
A mild-mannered bank employee and community theatre enthusiast, Pete Watson, ...
Mack faces off against his old high school wrestling rival, now a high-profil...
7. Confessions of a Dangerous Moon
Aired: Sep 17, 2006In the next episode, the priest's decision to leave the ministry sparks a cha...
The next episode focuses on the characters nurturing their romantic connectio...