Two brothers struggle with a Jewish tax collector over their debts to Rome; a...
The Chosen
Season 1 Episode 3: Jesus Loves the Little Children
Jesus befriends and teaches the group of children who discover His camp on the outskirts of Capernaum.
Jesus befriends and teaches the group of children who discover His camp on the outskirts of Capernaum.
Two brothers struggle with a Jewish tax collector over their debts to Rome; a...
Matthew validates Simon's arrangement with Praetor Quintus, Nicodemus investi...
3. Jesus Loves the Little Children
Aired: Apr 21, 2019Jesus befriends and teaches the group of children who discover His camp on th...
4. The Rock on Which it is Built
Aired: Apr 21, 2019With his life and family under threat from Rome, Simon spends one last night ...
Nicodemus interrogates John the Baptizer while Jesus and his students make th...
After witnessing the healing of a leper on the road to Capernaum, the friend ...
As Matthew struggles to make logical sense of the miracles he has witnessed, ...
After a miraculous visit to Simon's house, Jesus and his students leave Caper...
Main Cast
Guest Starring