1. The Typhoon
Aired: Sep 14, 1975The Robinsons' shipwreck on a deserted island unleashes a fierce storm, leavi...
2. The Hawk
Aired: Sep 21, 1975A beloved pet hawk returns to the Robinson's, bringing joy initially, but soo...
3. Man O'War
Aired: Sep 28, 1975Two British prisoners on the loose take Lotte and Helga captive, prompting Ka...
4. The Pit
Aired: Oct 5, 1975Ernie's disappearance sparks a desperate search effort among the castaways, w...
5. The Tiki
Aired: Oct 12, 1975The Robinsons face a new crisis when the children's discovery of a sacred ido...
6. The Mountain
Aired: Oct 19, 1975The Robinsons embark on a perilous journey to rescue Jeremiah, who has fallen...
7. Neptune's Nephew
Aired: Oct 26, 1975The Robinsons' exploration of the jungle is hindered by a mysterious and aggr...
8. The Slave Ship
Aired: Nov 1, 1975The Robinsons' optimism for rescue is shaken when they uncover the dark truth...
9. The Chimp
Aired: Nov 8, 1975As a mysterious illness sets in after a chimp's bite, Karl's life hangs in th...
10. The Captain
Aired: Nov 15, 1975The Robinsons' encounter with Captain Anaheim, a recent shipwreck survivor, s...
11. Ernie's Christmas
Aired: Nov 22, 1975A tropical Christmas celebration is disrupted and lives are threatened when t...
12. The Castaway
Aired: Nov 29, 1975A mysterious sailor washes up on the Robinson's shore, but their relief turns...
13. The Treasure
Aired: Dec 6, 1975A hidden treasure sparks a vision of a luxurious life for the Robinsons, Helg...
14. The Wild Dog
Aired: Dec 20, 1975A pack of wild dogs invades the Robinson's camp, wreaking havoc and prompting...
15. The Renegades
Aired: Jan 3, 1976Karl and Fred embark on a perilous canoe journey to a nearby island, seeking ...
17. Jean LaFitte: Part 1
Aired: Jan 18, 1976Jean Lafitte and his pirate crew arrive on Robinson's island, initially strik...
18. Jean LaFitte: Part 2
Aired: Jan 31, 1976The Robinsons' hopes for rescue are dashed as Jean Lafitte and his pirates un...
19. The Operation
Aired: Feb 7, 1976Next episode, Fred faces a life-threatening crisis, prompting Karl to take on...
20. The Devils
Aired: Mar 27, 1976A sinister jungle dweller poses a grave threat to the Robinson family's safet...