The League of Freedom finds themselves under scrutiny as a military accountan...
Aging superhero Titanium Rex and his has-been team, The League of Freedom, struggle to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.
Aging superhero Titanium Rex and his has-been team, The League of Freedom, struggle to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.
The League of Freedom finds themselves under scrutiny as a military accountan...
2. They Shoot Omega Pets, Don't They?
Aired: Oct 8, 2015The next episode of the show will revolve around the sudden and mysterious de...
Rex seeks to rehabilitate his reputation after a run-in with the notorious Bl...
The Secretary of Defense, a former sidekick of American Ranger, joins the Lea...
The gang bands together to tutor the illiterate Cooch in preparation for her ...
In the next episode, a shocking twist unfolds as Lex Lightning, a mysterious ...
Black Saturn reenters the dating world, still reeling from a recent heartbrea...
Brad's past catches up with him while the League looks for any escape from Ti...
Black Saturn's financial struggles prompt him to confront his wealthy parents...
A camping trip turns chaotic when the entire League joins Rex and Ranger, dis...
11. The Inconceivable Escape of Dr. Devizo
Aired: Dec 2, 2015As the League of Freedom anticipates the worst, Dr. Devizo concocts a plan to...
Ivan Whiff, a billionaire defense contractor, attempts to persuade Lex to lea...
In the next episode, Lex's bold move to free all prisoners and dismantle the ...
Main Cast
Super Mansion | official tailer US (2015) Bryan Cranston Crackle SDCC
Seasons: 3
Current Status: Ended
Network: Crackle
Production Country: United States
It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Windows Store, Amazon, Google Play, VUDU, YouTube online.