1. Aired: Oct 29, 1980 Robert Oppenheimer meets and decides to marry the hard-drinking, much-divorce...
2. Aired: Nov 3, 1980 Oppenheimer is now in charge of the top-secret Manhattan Project, but his lef...
3. Aired: Nov 12, 1980 Oppenheimer's extra-marital relationship with the neurotic Jean Tatlock comes...
4. Aired: Nov 19, 1980 With the death of President Roosevelt, the future of the Manhattan Project se...
5. Aired: Nov 27, 1980 The dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki bring the war to an ...
6. Aired: Dec 3, 1980 A few years after the war, Oppenheimer finds himself regarded as a security r...
7. Aired: Dec 10, 1980 Oppenheimer's examination by the committee proves disastrous and his career w...