Christopher Maurer, played by Jason Done, is killed just one day after his twenty-first birthday, leaving his grieving mother, Angela Maurer (voiced by Dame Julie Walters), struggling to accept this loss. The local journalist who initially seeks a sensational story about Chris's death fails to satisfy Angela, who is also dissatisfied with the police handling the case. A shopkeeper offers help to Angela but finds it futile as well. Ryan McGuinness, played by Roland Manookian, becomes the subject of the police investigation after learning Chris spent the night with his girlfriend. The Good Samaritan who discovers Chris's injuries on the sidewalk agrees to participate in a crime reconstruction, leading to an unexpected revelation about the killer and the motive behind the murder at the end of the story.
Christopher Maurer, played by Jason Done, tragically meets his end on his twenty-first birthday when his grief-stricken mother, Angela Maurer (voiced by Dame Julie Walters), struggles to accept the loss. Unable to cope with her son's passing, she becomes vulnerable to an unscrupulous individ...