A young boy receives a mysterious red cap, which sets him on a path to fulfill an ancient prophecy as the "Chosen One".
Max receives a mysterious cap in the mail, revealing his destiny as the "Migh...
Max, a 12-year-old boy, discovers a magical cap that grants him the ability to teleport across various dimensions.
A young boy receives a mysterious red cap, which sets him on a path to fulfill an ancient prophecy as the "Chosen One".
Max receives a mysterious cap in the mail, revealing his destiny as the "Migh...
The next thrilling episode follows Max, Virgil, and Norman as they join force...
Max's discovery of an ancient Egyptian necklace unleashes a dark force, as Ve...
Max's Turkish vacation takes a dark turn when he's falsely accused of theft a...
The Skullmaster manipulates a powerful druid sorcerer into unleashing the Doo...
Max's mom goes missing on a Congo expedition and is taken captive by a secret...
7. The Mother of All Adventures
Aired: Oct 20, 1993A mysterious statue brought back from Haiti by Max's mom holds a dark secret,...
Ancient warrior Spike, responsible for Norman's father's murder, is revived, ...
9. Less Than 20,000 Squid Heads Under the Sea
Aired: Nov 2, 1993The team embarks on a perilous underwater mission to confront a gargantuan sq...
10. Bring Me the Head of Mighty Max
Aired: Nov 9, 1993Next episode, a relentless horde of indestructible ghouls is dispatched by Sk...
Investigating a string of brutal animal assaults, Max and his team travel to ...
A group of extraterrestrial beings, capable of thriving only in subzero envir...
Max and his companions embark on a global quest to gather a team of heroes to...
Main Cast