Makoto flees HYDRA's deception, seeking the Avengers' aid to rescue his comra...
Marvel Future Avengers
Season 1 Episode 3: Red Skull Fight
The Avengers secure the Red Skull's transfer to the maximum-security prison facility, the Raft.
The Avengers secure the Red Skull's transfer to the maximum-security prison facility, the Raft.
Makoto flees HYDRA's deception, seeking the Avengers' aid to rescue his comra...
The battle to take down Hydra's stronghold has finally arrived, as the Avenge...
The Avengers secure the Red Skull's transfer to the maximum-security prison f...
The Avengers Tower is breached as the Future Avengers make a daring escape.
5. The Unexplored City of K'un-Lun
Aired: Aug 19, 2017The Future Avengers team up with Thor to pay a visit to Iron Fist, seeking hi...
In the next episode, Tony Stark's mysterious history is finally revealed, exp...
In the next thrilling episode, the Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, pays a surpri...
Bruno is miraculously brought back to life on the mysterious Hydra Island.
The Avengers' elite team comes together, featuring Captain Marvel, Black Wido...
10. Black Panther Protecting the Kingdom
Aired: Sep 23, 2017As the sun sets on the vast savannah, Iron Man and Chloe finally arrive in th...
The team is left reeling as the Incredible Hulk decides to abandon his fellow...
The Green Goblin unleashes a sinister attack on the Avengers, putting the ent...
13. Green Monster Vs. Green Giant
Aired: Oct 14, 2017The Green Goblin, revealed to be Norman Osborn, squares off against the Incre...
14. Super Fast Flight Which Can't Be Stopped
Aired: Oct 21, 2017Iron Man's armor is compromised by a surprise betrayal from within the ranks ...
15. Another Transformation Girl
Aired: Oct 28, 2017Chloe, a young and talented superhero, is introduced to Kamala Khan, a fierce...
16. Winter Soldier Rescue Battle
Aired: Nov 4, 2017Captain America embarks on a perilous quest to rescue Bucky Barnes from the c...
17. Find Hydra's Collaborators
Aired: Nov 11, 2017Captain America forms an unlikely alliance with the Winter Guard to take down...
Deadpool is tasked by the cunning Leader to apprehend the elusive Makoto, set...
In the next thrilling episode, Thor joins forces with his cunning brother Lok...
The legendary superhero team, the Avengers, engage in an epic showdown agains...
The Avengers are about to face off against the formidable Kang the Conqueror,...
The Future Avengers launch a bold counterattack against the formidable Kang, ...
The next episode takes the Avengers on a thrilling journey through the ages a...
24. Breakthrough Breaking Strategy!
Aired: Dec 30, 2017Makoto and Bruno join forces to take on the formidable Kang in an intense bat...
The Avengers embark on a decisive battle against Kang, their arch-nemesis, in...
A catastrophic threat looms as Kang, determined to wreak havoc, vows to colli...