The series follows Newt Call as he navigates the Western frontier, participating in pivotal events and encountering legendary figures of the era.
Ida Grayson shows up in Curtis Wells to meet up with her husband, but the pro...
The series follows the journey of Newt Call as he navigates the challenges of the Western era, crossing paths with iconic figures and participating in pivotal events.
The series follows Newt Call as he navigates the Western frontier, participating in pivotal events and encountering legendary figures of the era.
Ida Grayson shows up in Curtis Wells to meet up with her husband, but the pro...
Mosby and Shelby are revealed to be in league with the men who attacked Ida G...
3. When Wilt Thou Blow: Part 3
Aired: Nov 30, -1Josiah finally gives Newt and Hannah his blessing to marry, and the two begin...
A young boy witnesses the slaughter of his family by a ruthless gang of horse...
Newt and Hannah struggle to make ends meet. Newt and Austin go on a hunting t...
Needing money to complete work on the cabin, Newt hires on as a scout for the...
Coming from different directions, Newt and Mosby join forces to pursue whiske...
Newt and Buffalo Bill team up to find the legendary Native American chief, Ir...
A dispute over a woman pits Austin against a disgruntled cowboy who turns out...
Rustlers ambush Newt as he drives cattle belonging to the residents of Curtis...
When Newt and Hannah lose control of their new stallion FIREBRAND, he is stop...
In Sweetwater, Austin kills Emile Tousaint in a bar fight. His gang seeks rev...
When men attempting to purchase their land threaten Newt and Hannah, Newt tur...
The Hell Bitch is captured by Crow braves and Newt is left stranded.
When TRAVIS PACKARD returns to Curtis Wells after three years in prison for b...
16. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
Aired: Mar 18, 1995Newt and Hannah travel to Bismark to attend BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW, an...
When photographer, CLAUDIA HARRELL sets up her camera in Curtis Wells she cre...
Newt trails horses to Sweetwater, only to find the deal he made with the live...
Mountain man, CURTIS, strikes gold near the town that bears his name and retu...
Newt is ambushed and left for dead by a prisoner he is escorting to the gallows.
Curtis Wells is cut off from the rest of the world until the snow clears in t...
Main Cast