In the midst of a lavish party, the beautiful and cunning widow Sofía Díaz Vi...
La Viuda Negra
Season 1 Episode 28
"The Black Widow" is an adaptation of Griselda Blanco's life, featuring her as a notorious cocaine kingpin during the early 1980s.
"The Black Widow" is an adaptation of Griselda Blanco's life, featuring her as a notorious cocaine kingpin during the early 1980s.
In the midst of a lavish party, the beautiful and cunning widow Sofía Díaz Vi...
In the next episode, Tyler builds a connection with Griselda, earning her tru...
The DEA makes Jones a job offer, but he declines. Meanwhile, Griselda and Tyl...
Michael and Silvio pay a visit to Griselda, while Michael's frustration boils...
Next episode, Sugar discovers Tyler's true identity as undercover Agent Evans...