Yuuji tends to his ailing grandfather while Megumi, a skilled Jujutsu sorcere...
Season 1 Episodes:
Yuji, whose secret execution was unexpectedly delayed, arrives at Tokyo Metro...
A novice freshman student joins the Itadori and Fushiguro group, only to be i...
Three novice Jujutsu Sorcerers embark on a perilous mission to liberate priso...
In the next episode, Yuuji's attempts to reclaim control over his body are un...
Yuji and Sukuna engage in a conversation beyond the material plane, as Gojo o...
Gojo is ambushed by the formidable special-grade cursed spirit, Jogo, while e...
As the Exchange Event approaches, Kugisaki and Fushiguro intensify their trai...
9. Small Fry and Reverse Retribution
Aired: Nov 28, 2020A timid boy, Junpei, seeks solace in the realm of curses after struggling at ...
In the next episode, Itadori is tasked with assessing Junpei's abilities, det...
Kento's battle against the curse controlling Junpei extends into an intense a...
Yuji attempts to revive Junpei's fading emotions through a combination of phy...
Yuji and Kento face off against Mahito, who surprises them with his rapidly e...
14. Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event: Group Battle 0
Aired: Jan 16, 2021The aftermath of the battle with Mahito brings a sense of normalcy back to bo...
15. Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event: Group Battle 1
Aired: Jan 23, 2021Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School takes on their sister school from K...
16. Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event: Group Battle 2
Aired: Jan 30, 2021Next episode, Aoi Todo and Itadori Yuji engage in an intense battle, with Tod...
17. Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event: Group Battle 3
Aired: Feb 6, 2021In the next episode, a showdown between Miwa and Maki tests their physical pr...
A clash of similarities and differences unfolds as Megumi and Noritoshi engag...
The students face off against Hanami, a powerful cursed spirit, at the Goodwi...
The next episode will see Yuji and Todo engage in a fierce battle against the...
The school tournament resumes with a thrilling baseball game, following the u...
22. The Origin of Blind Obedience
Aired: Mar 13, 2021Three Jujutsu Sorcerers, Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji, are dispatched to uncover ...
23. The Origin of Blind Obedience - 2 -
Aired: Mar 20, 2021The next episode of the series kicks off with a intense battle as the group i...
The next episode of Jujutsu Kaisen sees Eso and Kechizu, Death Paintings, cla...
As Utahime and Mei Mei delve into the mysteries of a historic Western-style m...
Gojo and Geto are tasked with protecting and eliminating Riko Amanai, a "Star...
Next episode, Gojo, Geto, and Amanai rescue Kuroi, then head to Okinawa toget...
The next episode takes a dramatic turn as Geto's attempt to rescue Amanai goe...
The strongest sorcerer, Gojo, takes on missions solo, while Geto becomes incr...
Itadori, Kugisaki, and Fushiguro go their separate ways after completing a mi...
The battle between Mahito and Mechamaru rages on, while a mysterious phenomen...
The curtain rises on a thrilling new chapter as Satoru Gojo arrives in Shibuy...
33. Shibuya Incident - Gate, Open
Aired: Sep 22, 2023The showdown between Gojo and the malevolent entities escalates to a thrillin...
The stage is set for a daring rescue mission as the three sorcerer groups con...
Team Nanami reunites with Yuji and devises a strategy to rescue Satoru Gojo. ...
The curtain is lifted, allowing the sorcerers to enter Shibuya Station and re...
Yuji's arrival at Shibuya Station is met with an unexpected surprise as a ven...
Mei Mei faces off against Kenjaku in a battle to defeat a special grade disea...
The next episode of the series promises to be intense as Nanami, Maki, and Na...
Toji unleashes his immense strength, leaving Megumi stunned and struggling to...
Megumi is faced with a dire circumstance and resorts to a powerful exorcism r...
Yuji's regained control of his body, but finds himself facing the devastating...
Yuji's battle with Mahito rages on, unaware that the latter has transformed i...
Yuji's friend arrives just in time to turn the tide of battle, reinvigorating...
Mahito's battle against Yuji and Todo reaches its climax as he uncovers the s...
As the Shibuya incident concludes, various jujutsu sorcerer groups prepare fo...
47. Shibuya Incident - Gate, Close
Aired: Dec 28, 2023The conclusion of The Shibuya Incident unfolds, as Yuki and Geto engage in a ...
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Main Cast
Guest Starring
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 21: Jujutsu Koshien Videos
Jujutsu Baseball [Subtitled]
Everyone Hates Todo [Subtitled]
Info about Jujutsu Kaisen
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: MBS
Production Country: Japan
Jujutsu Kaisen: Where to Watch Online in United States?
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