Patricia, a seasoned investigator, delves into the private life of EM, a well...
Season 1 Episode 4: Superfan
Suspicion falls on a crazed fan's alarming behavior towards EM, prompting Patricia and the team to take notice.
Suspicion falls on a crazed fan's alarming behavior towards EM, prompting Patricia and the team to take notice.
Patricia, a seasoned investigator, delves into the private life of EM, a well...
The sudden demise of EM sparks a multitude of unanswered questions, and the i...
The investigation into the murder intensifies as Patricia zeroes in on EM's e...
Suspicion falls on a crazed fan's alarming behavior towards EM, prompting Pat...
The enigmatic figure from EM's intimate video is revealed, sending a ripple o...
The search for the truth intensifies as the suspects scramble to clear their ...
Belinda's relationship with Stephen falters as her influential father exerts ...
Patricia rushes to comfort her distraught best friend, still grappling with t...
As the investigation unfolds, Patricia's team receives a crucial tip that cou...
Patricia uncovers a devastating revelation about her father's demise, sparkin...
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