1. Det. Dave Russell vs Eric Fisher 1983Aired: Feb 5, 2020A multi-linear crime series that is centered around an interrogation of peopl...
2. I.A. Sgt. Ian Lynch vs Eric Fisher 2003Aired: Feb 5, 2020In 2003, now 20 years after the murder of Mary Fisher, IA officer Ian Lynch i...
3. Det. Dave Russell vs Kim Decker 1982Aired: Feb 5, 2020In the weeks leading up to Mary Fisher's murder, Eric meets Det. Russell for ...
4. L.A. County Psychologist Marjorie Thompson vs. Eric Fisher 1984Aired: Feb 5, 2020To receive a more lenient prison sentence, Eric pleads guilty and submits to ...
5. Det. Dave Russell vs Chris Keller 1983Aired: Feb 5, 2020Eric's friend from rehab, Chris Keller (Kodi Smit-McPhee) is interrogated abo...
6. Henry Fisher vs Eric Fisher 1992Aired: Feb 5, 2020As riots erupt after the Rodney King verdicts, Henry Fisher (David Strathairn...
7. Det. Carol Young & Det. Brian Chen vs Melanie Pruitt 2005Aired: Feb 5, 2020Two decades after the murder, a series of newspaper articles about the Fisher...
8. P.I. Charlie Shannon vs Eric Fisher 1996Aired: Feb 5, 2020Thirteen years after the murder, Eric faces his first parole hearing and a re...
9. P.I. Charlie Shannon vs Amy Harlow 2003Aired: Feb 5, 2020Twenty years later P.I. Charlie Shannon tracks down Amy Harlow, an old friend...
10. I.A. Sgt. Ian Lynch & Det. Brian Chen vs Trey Carano 2003Aired: Feb 5, 2020Series Finale. Twenty years after Mary Fisher's death, Internal Affairs Sgt. ...