In the next episode, Ryan and Kiki embark on a new adventure, purchasing a ho...
Hoarder House Flippers
Season 1 Episode 2: The Cheapest House I Ever Bought
Mactar scores a bargain on a Quebec home, but soon discovers the real cost of his purchase.
Mactar scores a bargain on a Quebec home, but soon discovers the real cost of his purchase.
In the next episode, Ryan and Kiki embark on a new adventure, purchasing a ho...
2. The Cheapest House I Ever Bought
Aired: May 26, 2022Mactar scores a bargain on a Quebec home, but soon discovers the real cost of...
The siblings, Heather and Nathan, are working on a new project, but their vis...
Mactar's brothers are shocked when he purchases a house sight unseen, based s...
Heather and Nathan uncover unexpected surprises while demoing the space, forc...
6. Our most expensive flip EVER
Aired: Jun 23, 2022Ryan and Kiki's new flip is a financial stress test as they've spent their la...
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: Home Network
Production Country: Canada