1. Whisper, Chant, Prayer, AwakenAired: Jan 10, 2016In the next episode, Haruhiro and his party navigate the challenges of Grimga...
2. Long Day of the Trainee Volunteer SoldierAired: Jan 17, 2016Next episode, Haruhiro and his companions stumble upon a goblin that they bel...
3. Are Goblin Pouches Filled with Our Dreams?Aired: Jan 24, 2016In the next episode, Haruhiro and his party bask in the joy of their first ea...
4. Sky Dancing with AshAired: Jan 31, 2016As Haruhiro and his party progress, their growth and skill acquisition are di...
5. Crying Doesn't Mean You're Weak. Enduring Doesn't Mean You're StrongAired: Feb 7, 2016As Haruhiro and his companions grapple with the loss of a dear friend, they m...
6. Her CircumstancesAired: Feb 14, 2016As they navigate their new reality without Manato, Haruhiro and his party mus...
7. They Were Called Goblin SlayersAired: Feb 21, 2016As Haruhiro and his party delve deeper into Mary's past, they strive to stren...
8. In My Memories with YouAired: Feb 28, 2016The group is poised to confront the goblins that took the life of their falle...
9. How to RestAired: Mar 6, 2016The group takes a much-needed break, recharging their energy and fine-tuning ...
10. I'm Not Fit to Be a LeaderAired: Mar 14, 2016The next episode follows Haruhiro and his party as they venture into the trea...
11. Between Life and DeathAired: Mar 21, 2016As Haruhiro and his party venture deeper, they stumble upon Death Spots and a...
12. See You Tomorrow...Aired: Mar 28, 2016In the next episode, Haruhiro and his companions find themselves trapped in t...