Granblue Fantasy: The Animation background

Granblue Fantasy: The Animation

This is an aerial world, featuring multiple floating islands. In Zinkenstill, a boy named Gran and a talking winged lizard named Vyrn lived together. One day, they encountered a young girl named Lyria. To escape from their troubles, Gran and Lyria embarked on a perilous journey...

A world above the sky where islands drift freely. In Zinkenstill, a boy named Gran and his winged lizard friend Vyrn lived together. One day, they encountered a young girl named Lyria while searching for her lost father's letter. Together with Lyria, Gran and Vyrn decided to seek safety in the vast skies by heading towards Estalucia Island of the Astrals.


Episode 1 Girl in Blue

1. Girl in Blue

Aired: Jan 20, 2017

A sudden explosion and a battleship appearing in the sky shake up the peacefu...

Episode 2 Departure

2. Departure

Aired: Jan 20, 2017

Gran's nostalgic thoughts are interrupted by Lyria's presence, relieved to fi...

Episode 3 Meet the Wind

3. Meet the Wind

Aired: Apr 15, 2017

Katalina's crash landing on Eingana Island derails Gran's party's journey to ...

Episode 4 A helmsman's resolve

4. A helmsman's resolve

Aired: Apr 22, 2017

Trapped by General Furias' Imperial Army, Gran and her companions must find a...

Episode 5 The Storm Guardian

5. The Storm Guardian

Aired: Apr 29, 2017

The Grandcypher, expertly piloted by Rackam, approaches a vast dark cloud for...

Episode 6 The Veil Is Lifted

6. The Veil Is Lifted

Aired: May 6, 2017

Gran and company embark on a new mission to find the missing Archduke Tzaka o...

Episode 7 The Iron Giant

7. The Iron Giant

Aired: May 13, 2017

As Gran and her companions venture into a mysterious factory, they follow a c...

Episode 8 A Pair Apart

8. A Pair Apart

Aired: Feb 28, 2017

Gran and her companions embark on a new adventure, traveling to a distant isl...

Episode 9 Horizon in the Clouds

9. Horizon in the Clouds

Aired: May 27, 2017

The crew of adventurers arrives at the Auguste Isles, a vast island containin...

Episode 10 Separation

10. Separation

Aired: Jun 3, 2017

As the Auguste Isles burn under the Erste Empire's relentless attack, Gran fr...

Episode 11 Lyria's Wish

11. Lyria's Wish

Aired: Jun 10, 2017

The group travels to the Lumacie Isles to revive the comatose Lyria, guided b...

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Info about Granblue Fantasy: The Animation

Seasons: 2

Current Status: Ended

Network: AT-X

Production Country: Japan

Genres:Adventure, Animation, Fantasy