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The Legend of the Legendary Heroes

Also referred to as "The Legend of the Legendary Heroes," this story features three core characters: A dongo-obsessed female, a peace-crazy half-noble, and a lazy nap-taking mage. The mage, Ryner Lute, serves as the main protagonist, carrying the Alpha...

Also known as "The Legend of Legendary Heroes," this story follows three main characters: a dongo-obsessed female, a peace-crazy half-noble, and a lazy nap-taking mage. The protagonist Ryner Lute, who bears the Alpha Stigma—a mark on his eyes that allows him to control it by destroying or erasing everything until he regains control—is struggling with the guilt of often ending up killing those he gets close to, as well as being seen as a monster due to his role in controlling others. A childhood friend, Sion, wishes for a world without spilling any blood and overworks himself about it. Ferris, the last main hero within the anime, constantly eats dongo, beats Ryner up, and slays enemies with her excellent sword skills while working together with the Swordswoman, Lazy Mage, and New King to bring peace and equality for everyone in Roland Kingdom, including bearers of the Alpha Stigma and monsters alike.

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The Legend of the Legendary Heroes Videos

The Legend of the Legendary Heroes | English Dubbed Trailer

The Legend of the Legendary Heroes | English Dubbed Trailer

Info about The Legend of the Legendary Heroes

Current Status: Ended

Network: TV Tokyo

Production Country: Japan

Genres:Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Action

The Legend of the Legendary Heroes: Where to Watch Online in United States?

It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Amazon online.