The next episode of the crime drama series follows the Chicago Major Crime Un...
Season 1 Episodes:
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is faced with its most urgent and perilous chal...
The investigation into a brutal home invasion murder case heats up as Lt. Tor...
Luca sets his sights on dominating the St. Louis gambling scene, dispatching ...
Luca's gambling empire is abruptly disrupted, and Torello retaliates by inten...
A female journalist joins forces with public defender Abrams to defend a man ...
Next episode, tensions rise as Detective Abrams' new relationship with Suzann...
Torello's world is turned upside down when he uncovers a shocking truth about...
Torello's anger over his friend's death fuels a personal vendetta against Hol...
As his marriage crumbles, Torrello embarks on a romantic affair with Inger Th...
Next episode: A thrilling recap of the journey so far, featuring all key plot...
The next episode of the series sees a shocking turn of events as the MCU is f...
Luca is indicted and Torello's boss sends him on a forced vacation, but Luca ...
Mike's world turns upside down as he's indicted and manipulated by Luca to di...
Torello's innocence hangs in the balance as he takes the stand in court, but ...
The mob launches a takeover bid on Las Vegas casinos, prompting Abrams and To...
A city-wide casino shutdown sparks chaos in Las Vegas as a powerful strike ga...
Torrello becomes smitten with Lisa, Steve Altman's ex-wife, but their budding...
Luca uses his influence to persuade the owner of Palladium, the largest casin...
Luca's victory over the dropped case against him sends him into a downward sp...
Luca's world begins to crumble as his trusted friend Paulie turns against him...
Main Cast
Guest Starring
Info about Crime Story
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Canceled
Network: NBC
Production Country: United States
Crime Story: Where to Watch Online in United States?
Currently you are able to watch "Crime Story" for free with ads on The Roku Channel, Amazon Freevee, Pluto TV, Tubi TV. It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Windows Store, Amazon online.