A love story that explores navigating life's challenges through an Islamic perspective. The story follows Fahri, an Indonesian student in Egypt, as he pursues his master's degree at Al-Azhar. Despite his many goals, Fahri is hesitant to get married due to his innocence and lack of experience with courtship. His life changes when he meets Maria, a Coptic Christian who admires the Quran and eventually falls in love with Fahri. However, Maria's feelings remain unrequited. Fahri then meets Nurul, the daughter of a famous kyai, but his inferiority complex holds him back from expressing his feelings. He instead develops empathy for Noura, a troubled neighbor, but it's misinterpreted and leads to a serious accusation. The story takes a new turn with the arrival of Aisha, who falls in love with Fahri after he defends Islam from criticism on the metro.
Verses of Love
"A spiritual journey of self-discovery and introspection, as a man navigates the intricacies of a complex relationship within the framework of Islamic values and principles."