A wealthy spinster, Tish, lives with her nephew Charlie and her eccentric friends in a boarding house. Charlie falls for Kit, the judge's daughter, but Cora, a fellow boarder, is secretly married to Ted, who leaves for Canada to ferry planes to England. Cora becomes anxious to join Ted, borrows money, and leaves without telling anyone. Tish takes the blame, and Cora eventually dies after giving birth to a boy. The only clue to her identity is a letter to Tish, who claims the baby is Charlie's and takes it home, pretending it's her own.
In this quirky New England setting, a spinster named Letitia "Tish" Carberry shares her home with her nephew, Charlie, and two eccentric friends, Aggie and Lizzie. They all reside in a nearby boarding house alongside Cora Edwards, who becomes entangled in their peculiar lives.