Aisling Hunter's life takes a devastating turn when she's involved in a car accident at night. As her story comes to a close, the narrative jumps back in time 15 hours to reveal a complex web of events. Aisling is shown blackmailing popular student Geri, feuding with her former best friend Laura, and confiding in a mysterious user-eyed boy about her missing mother. This unfolding drama takes place against the backdrop of a school community still reeling from a tragic fire that claimed the life of a student's mother, with no explanation for the blaze or her presence at the school.
The Things I Haven't Told You
As the darkness consumes her, Aisling Hunter's fate is sealed, leaving her battered and bruised on the deserted road. But before her tragic demise, a sinister chain of events unfolds, taking us 15 hours back in time to witness Aisling's manipulative game of blackmail against a popular g...