In 1944, Lieutenant Merle Wye, a disillusioned intelligence officer, is sent to the quiet Pacific island of Rodahan to capture a harmless Japanese soldier, Kobayashi, who has been stealing luxury goods from the US army. With his new superior, Colonel Korotny, breathing down his neck, Merle must navigate the island's idyllic atmosphere and bureaucratic obstacles to complete his mission. Complicating matters are his rival, Commander Jeremiah Hammerslag, and his underling, Sergeant Roy Tada, who is more interested in his romantic conquests than his duties. As Merle tries to prove himself, he also attempts to win the heart of Lieutenant Molly Blue, a beautiful army nurse who has captured his attention.
The Horizontal Lieutenant
In this World War II drama, a hapless army officer is deployed to a secluded island garrison, where romance and passion become the primary conflicts.