In this movie, a Frenchman named Shiek Yousseff pretends to be friendly while secretly planning to overthrow the French. Meanwhile, the Riffs, led by the mysterious Red Shadow, professor Paul Bonnard, are fighting against Yousseff by attacking supply trains that benefit his villages. General Birabeau and his daughter Margot investigate, and Bonnard begins tutoring Margot while also being pursued by his feelings for a Foreign Legion captain. As tensions rise, a secret way into Yousseff's palace is discovered, and the Riffs' leader is forced to kidnap Margot to prove Yousseff's betrayal. However, Yousseff's men capture Margot, setting off a chain of events.
The Desert Song
The devious Sheikh Youssef pretends to befriend the French while secretly scheming to overthrow them. Standing in his way are the Riffs, led by the enigmatic Red Shadow, Professor Paul Bonnard, who is secretly conducting research in the desert and launching surprise attacks.