The movie follows Harry Lee, a young man who returns to Malaysia after failing his studies abroad and is kicked out of his home by his father. He forms a dance band with his childhood friend Yati, a modern Malay and Muslim who believes in her heritage and religion. The band, consisting of members from different racial backgrounds, represents the multicultural nature of Malaysian society and uses English as their common language. However, they are forced to flee Kuala Lumpur when loan sharks demand repayment of a debt and find themselves in a picturesque coastal town where traditional and mythical practices still thrive. As they perform their modern dance music alongside the local folk songs, Yati and Harry's childhood crush blossoms into a deeper love that transcends racial and religious differences.
Spinning Gasing
Harry Lee, a Chinese Malaysian, returns home after failing his studies abroad and is disowned by his father. He finds solace in forming a dance band with his childhood friend Yati, marking a new beginning.