In this animated adventure, a cutting-edge algorithm named Al G Rhythm kidnaps basketball superstar LeBron James and his son Dom, forcing LeBron to compete in a high-stakes game against Al's digital champions. With the help of wisecracking Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes crew, LeBron must use his skills and cunning to outmaneuver Al and rescue his son.
Info about Space Jam: A New Legacy
Studio(s): Warner Bros. Pictures Animation, Proximity Media
Originally Released: United States, Jul 16, 2021
Production Country: United States
Box Office Gross: $163,732,928.00
Budget: $150,000,000.00
Genres:Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Sport, Animation
Space Jam: A New Legacy: Where to Watch Online in United States?
Currently you are able to watch "Space Jam: A New Legacy" for free with ads on Amazon Freevee. It is also possible to rent or buy on Spectrum On Demand online.