A wild romp through 1960s Ireland unfolds as two school friends, Rich Evans and Sean O'Connor, are pursued by spies from an unknown state. The adventure begins with a high-speed chase, leading the pair to Boyne Castle, where they uncover a thrilling secret. As they evade their pursuers through the Irish countryside, Rich and Sean use their ingenuity to stay one step ahead, leading to a series of comedic and action-packed encounters. But what's the connection between Rich's brother Tom, a seemingly ordinary sales representative, and the mysterious events unfolding around them? The truth lies at Boyne Castle, waiting to be uncovered.
Guns in the Heather
Walt Disney's three-part TV feature, The Secret of Boyne Castle, was originally broadcast on "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color" before being re-edited into a feature film for European theatrical release in 1969.