The horror of the Pacific War and specter of Godzilla have all become a distant memory for Japan. However, the destruction of a US submarine raises alarms for Admiral Tachibana. His estranged daughter Yuri, is working on a pseudo documentary when she comes across the legend of the three guardian monsters. The guardians are awaken by an old man, Hirotoshi Isayama, who informs Yuri that Godzilla, embodying the restless souls of the victims of Pacific War, has returned to destroy the nation for having forgotten the suffering of the war. As Yuri and her colleagues investigate, Admiral Tachibana and the guardian monsters attempt to defeat an unstoppable and vengeful Godzilla.
Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Attack of the Giant Monsters
A reporter, notorious for working on pseudo-documentaries, must uncover the legend of the three guardian monsters who must rise to defend Japan from the vengeful spirits within Godzilla.