In the Sahara desert, a young man named Saganne, from humble beginnings, volunteers for service under the aristocratic Colonel Dubreuilh in 1911. He catches the eye of Madeline, the daughter of the regional administrator, and earns respect from Arabs, including Amajan, an independent warrior. Saganne's resourcefulness leads to success in campaigns, followed by a diplomatic mission to Paris, where he has an affair with a journalist. He returns to Africa, leads a gallant defense against Sultan Omar, and is awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour before marrying Madeline. However, the outbreak of World War I puts his success and happiness at risk.
Fort Saganne
In the scorching Sahara desert, a young Frenchman named Saganne, fueled by courage and determination, joins the military under the command of the aristocratic Colonel Dubreuilh in 1911. As he navigates the harsh environment, he catches the attention of Madeline, the beautiful daughter of a promin...