The prequel to the popular "Dallas" TV series explores the origins of the Ewing-Barnes feud in the 1930s. The story begins at a 1951 barbecue where the conflict between "Digger" Barnes and "Jock" Ewing starts with a shot fired by Barnes. The film then flashes back to the Great Depression, showing the two men meeting as hobos in a boxcar. Despite their initial friendship built on a shared desire to find oil, their relationship turns sour as they compete for the affections of the beautiful Miss Ellie. The film portrays Jock as an honorable man caught up in a difficult situation, while Digger is depicted as a neurotic, struggling with alcoholism and a talent for finding oil.
Dallas: The Early Years
The bitter rivalry between Digger Barnes and Jock Ewing is ignited when Jock begins a romantic relationship with Digger's true love, Ellie Southworth, and Digger accuses Jock of swindling him out of his rightful share in their lucrative oil fields, sparking a long-standing feud between the t...