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In this thought-provoking film, a group of cryptozoologists embark on a mission to capture a mythical creature known as the Baku, a hybrid beast said to devour dreams. As they navigate the complexities of capturing this elusive creature, they are forced to confront the ethical implications of exh...

In a vibrant and dreamlike world, cryptozookeepers, voiced by Lake Bell, Zoe Kazan, and Michael Cera, embark on a quest to capture a Baku, a mystical creature that feeds on dreams. As they grapple with the ethics of displaying these rare beings in a zoo, they begin to question whether these mythical creatures should be kept hidden or showcased to the world.

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Info about Cryptozoo

Studio(s): Fit Via Vi, Electric Chinoland

Originally Released: United States, Aug 20, 2021

Production Country: United States

Box Office Gross: $30,226.00

Genres:Animation, Fantasy, Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller