In ancient India, Siddhartha Gautama, a prince from the kingdom of Shakya, is born amidst a backdrop of constant warfare between kingdoms. As he reaches puberty, he befriends Migaila, a young thief, and begins to question the rigid class system he's been raised in. Meanwhile, the powerful kingdom of Kosala attacks Shakya, and their commander, Chapra, a former slave who rose to power through his father's influence, seeks to prove himself. As Siddhartha and Chapra clash on the battlefield, their opposing paths set in motion a chain of events that will alter the fate of their kingdoms.
Buddha: The Great Departure
Born in ancient India, Siddhartha Gautama, a young prince of the Shakya kingdom, emerges amidst a tumultuous backdrop of perpetual warfare between rival kingdoms. As he enters adolescence, he becomes acquainted with individuals from the lower social strata.