In the next thrilling installment, Jay finds himself facing off against a pow...
Deep Space 69
Season 1 Episode 3: The Crotch Hugger
Jay faces a difficult decision between two competing species.
Jay faces a difficult decision between two competing species.
In the next thrilling installment, Jay finds himself facing off against a pow...
2. Looking for Love in Alderaan Places
Aired: Aug 26, 2012The long-awaited birthday of a beloved royal has finally arrived, marking a s...
Jay faces a difficult decision between two competing species.
Next episode of the space adventure series: Jay's quest for a cure takes an u...
Jay faces a final hurdle in obtaining his space license, a seductive and powe...
6. The Legend of Bronze Johnson
Aired: Dec 9, 2012A high-stakes, five-day ordeal unfolds, but at what cost?
Jay's new partner becomes utterly enamored with him.
Jay's inner turmoil continues to simmer just below the surface, as he struggl...
In the next episode, Jay is tasked with transporting a highly valuable indivi...
A new rival emerges, forcing Jay to resort to an extreme juicing regimen to s...
Jay forms a connection with a mysterious planet.
A new pet is introduced to the Hamilton household, breaking a crucial space r...
In the next episode, Jay is unexpectedly inducted into a mysterious organizat...
14. GBM Part 2: Penis Fly Trap
Aired: Apr 25, 2013The next episode takes Jay to a vibrant planet for spring break, where he enc...
15. GBM Part 3: The Member Strikes Back
Aired: May 6, 2013The explosive conclusion to the galactic boner saga sees Jay return to the GB...
Main Cast