1. The Young Jedi/Yoda's Mission
Aired: May 4, 2023A trio of young Jedi, Kai, Lys, and Nubs, embark on their inaugural adventure...
The tale follows younglings on their quests to become Jedi Knights.
1. The Young Jedi/Yoda's Mission
Aired: May 4, 2023A trio of young Jedi, Kai, Lys, and Nubs, embark on their inaugural adventure...
2. Nash's Race Day/The Lost Jedi Ship
Aired: May 4, 2023Nash and her Jedi friends team up to take part in an exciting intergalactic r...
3. Get Well Nubs/The Junk Giant
Aired: May 4, 2023Kai and Lys embark on a mission to find a remedy for Nubs' affliction, while ...
4. Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue/Attack of the Training Droids
Aired: May 4, 2023The young Padawans embark on a mission to tame exotic creatures, while Kai's ...
5. The Jellyfruit Pursuit/Creature Safari
Aired: May 4, 2023A group of young Jedi, led by Nash, embark on a mission to retrieve stolen je...
The Jedi Order faces a crucial evaluation, while the young heroes embark on a...
7. The Jedi and the Thief/The Missing Kibbin
Aired: May 4, 2023Kai and Zia join forces to take on a new challenge, while Lys forms an unlike...
8. The Girl and Her Gargantua/The Show Must Go On
Aired: Aug 2, 2023The young Padawans embark on a thrilling adventure as they pursue a mysteriou...
9. The Princess and the Jedi/Kai's Bad Day
Aired: Aug 2, 2023In the next thrilling episode, a young Jedi and Nash embark on a perilous que...
10. Visitor's Day/The Growing Green Danger
Aired: Aug 2, 2023In the next episode, the Jedi embark on a mission to recover stolen treasures...
Nash's Jedi allies embark on a mission to locate her missing speeder, while H...
12. Off the Rails/The Thieves of Tharnaka
Aired: Aug 2, 2023In the next episode, the Jedi Council is alerted to a high-stakes heist as Ta...
13. Tree Troubles/Big Brother's Bounty
Aired: Aug 2, 2023In the next thrilling episode, Nubs and the Jedi embark on a mission to safeg...
14. Charhound Chase/Creature Comforts
Aired: Nov 8, 2023In the next episode, Bell and Kai join forces to track down Bell's missing Ch...
15. An Adventure with Yoda/The Talon Takeover
Aired: Nov 8, 2023A legendary Jedi joins forces with young Padawans to thwart a band of cunning...
16. Mystery of the Opal Cave/Clash
Aired: Nov 8, 2023A chilling investigation unfolds as young Jedi delve into a haunted cave, whi...
17. Stuck in the Muck/Junkyard Sleepover
Aired: Nov 8, 2023The Jedi receive a distress signal, prompting them to spring into action. Mea...
18. The Great Leaf Glide/The Harvest Feast
Aired: Nov 8, 2023In the next thrilling episode, young Jedi embark on a thrilling adventure as ...
19. Life Day/Raxlo Strikes Back
Aired: Nov 8, 2023On Kashyyyk, a festive journey unfolds as Master Yoda, Master Zia, and young ...
In the next episode, the Jedi Order lends a hand to a prince as he works to b...
21. Best Friends/Happy Trails, Nubs
Aired: Feb 14, 2024Kai and Nubs join forces for a training exercise, while Lys and Kai embark on...
22. The Tale of the Short Spire/The Team Up
Aired: Feb 14, 2024The search for the spire-cutting culprit unfolds on Batuu as the Jedi team up...
23. The Caves of Batuu/Finders Keepers
Aired: Feb 14, 2024Kai navigates treacherous obstacles within the depths of Batuu's caves, while...
24. The Starship Show/Nash's Super Busy Day
Aired: Feb 14, 2024In the next thrilling episode, Nash and the Jedi embark on a mission to recla...
Taborr's attempt to pilfer from Starlight Beacon sets off a chain of events t...
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